Untitled August 1993                                                                    back>

By: Seraph
Date August 1993

In a room with no doors, windows or reflection

Lost in a place where all my hopes lie in depression

Can not see past my body to my soul

Where to my heart has the biggest hole

A cycle was brought to my attention where there was fasting and binging

All of this for my self-esteem where everybody has tried by my esteem keeps bending

Alone I sit in this room

No one knows my pain

No one cares

To open up would be terrible

This thought I care not bare

Friends I have are so happy and carefree

What I would give to be in their shoes for a week

I play a role each and everyday

I have not a care in the world

But I only know what the difference so this whole game is really up surd

The doors now open

No person will see

For at least a little while

No one can witness me